India and Himalayas

Himalayan Demon Mask

Nepalese Hill Tribesman Sculpture

Himalayan Wolf Mask

Angami Conch Shell wrist ornament

Swat Valley, Yusafzai State antique pottery bowl

Clown Mask from the Newar People, Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Naga Necklace, Konyak People, India

Himalayan Mask, Vintage Monpa People

Konyak Warriors neck ornament, Naga Land India

Silver Betel nut Lime Box & Spatula , 18th -19th C

Grain Grinder, (Chakki). Gugerat India

Nepal and Himalayan Hill Tribes Neti

Rajbansi Shamans Bell Necklace

Zari Cloth Vintage Wall hanging. India

Bhutan, Vintage Kushitara Kira Womans Wrap

Mogul India, Damascus Jambiya with Tulwar style HIlt