Decor That Makes a Difference

Mixed Media Collage, by Ian MacLoed

Ashanti Stool with unique Baboon Base

Katu Ethnic Group South Vietnam, Three Part Basket Carrier

Vintage Spirit House, Thailand

Kaj Franck, Finnish Art Glass Goblet

Japanese Screen with Ottoman theme

Turkish Folk Art Pottery

Thailand, Ban Chiang Pottery Jar

Chinese, Antique Blue & White Porcelain Bowl

Lyric Kyoto by Rikio Takahashi

Swat Valley, Yusafzai State antique pottery bowl

N'Debele People, Vintage Beaded Apron

Chinese Altar Table, 19th C

Philippine Mortar called Lusong

Large Vintage Lobi Cooking Pot

Grain Grinder, (Chakki). Gugerat India

Asipim Chair, Ashante People, Ghana

Chinese, Qing Dynasty Screen

Agnes Lee, Dancing with Poems

M'Buti Bark Cloth Painting

Jan Tervonen, The Wire V: The Corona Virus Years

Noble Golden, Skyscraper

Noble Golden, Zulu V