Afrcan Ethnographic Art

Ilunga Mbili The epic founder of the Luba Empire

Baule, Gberke and Hunter Divination Sculpyure

Toussian, Pottery Storage Jar

Nuna, Pottery Water Storage Jar

Chokwe People, Diviners Mask

Gere and Wobe People, Divination Mask

Dagari People, Burkina Faso, A rare Pottery Vessel

Mask of the Ningindo People, Tanzania

Lungu Standing Male figure

Ngbandi Initiation Mask

Asipim Chair, Ashante People, Ghana

Boa Female Ancestor Figure

Large Vintage Lobi Cooking Pot

Jita Female Ancestor Figure, Tanzania

Boyo People, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Ethiopian Leather War Shield, Konso People,

Nuna Culture, Pottery Water Jar

Lulua, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Senufo Horse and Rider

Ashanti Stool with unique Baboon Base

Mauritanian Anklet, "Khal Khal"

Lega People, Bwami Society Hat

Tabwa Pottery Jar